Apple Pip back on tour!

Joy Haynes (director)  and Meg Amsden (performer) have been working on a new version of Nutmeg’s much loved show Apple Pip.

First performance: Saturday October 20th at 11.30 and 2.30 2018

At the Cider and Song Festival at the Museum of East Anglian Life, Iliffe Way, Stowmarket, IP14 1DE (read more)

First produced in 2003 with Suzanne Arnold performing, Meg designing and scriptwriting, and Iklooshar Malara directing, Apple Pip toured extensively before Steve Peck took over from Suzanne from 2007 – 2010, clocking up 210 performances between them.
The reworked version is essentially the same story. It’s suitable for 3 -6 year olds or a family audience.



Little drawings to decorate pages

From spring blossom and summer fruiting to autumn harvest and leaf fall, Pip sings as she swings from the branch of an old apple tree. Once it produced the tastiest apples in the orchard, but now it’s neglected and all kinds of animal try to steal the last remaining fruit. Mrs Crabb, the owner, plans to chop it down, but Pip loves the tree and wants to save it.